distant hybridization and role of biotechnology in crop improvement

Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Distant Hybridization’ especially written for school and college students. This was done effectively by use of hybridization and biotechnology. All the hybrid seeds of maize to farmers for cultivation are nothing but double crosses. In case of recessive gene transfer, a slightly different procedure is followed. In this method the amount of pressure is applied in such a way that only anthers are sucked out and other parts of the flower like gynoecium remain intact. The implications of somatic hybridization in gene transfer in wide crosses and for the induction of genetic variability in various crops are discussed. (ii) Selfing of parents or artificial self-pollination. They made another cross between another two wild diploid species of tobacco, namely N. paniculata (2n = 24) and N. undulata (2n = 24). 2.5 Somatic hybridization. A 35 cm long rubber tube or belt is stretched over the side of the container, and when in use this tube is tied around the peduncle of the head. III. Wide or distant hybridization has been widely used as an important tool of chromosome manipulation for crop improvement. Mendel onward, the hybridization had become the key method of crop improvement. Several chromosome addition and substitution lines have been developed in wheat but- none of them could be used for commercial cultivation due to presence of some undesirable genes. 6. There may exist some small structural differences in the chromosomes of two species, which do not affect chromosome pairing in F1. But most of cases it is used for the transfer of some desirable traits particularly those for disease resistance. 12, 13. This method is widely used for the development of varieties in self-pollinated crops. The amphidiploid (2n = 56) was named as Triticale. In this method all desirable characters of a popular variety (genotype known) are retained except the undesirable genes at a particular locus is replaced. Emasculation is not required in unisexual plants but it is essential in bisexual or self-pollinated plants. In self-pollinated crops this method is used when three or four monogenic characters scattered in three or four different varieties are to be combined into one. iii. There are several other desirable characters which have been transferred from wild species to cultivated plants. The intervarietal crosses may be simple or complex depending upon the number of parents involved. Hybridization Methods of Plant Breeding in Self-Pollinated Groups 5. This is a major problem in distant hybridization. The CMS has been transferred to cultivated species of these crops. A breeding procedure used with segregating populations of self-pollinated species in which plants are advanced by single seeds from one generation to the next is referred to as single seed descent method. Selected material becomes so large that handling of the same becomes very difficult. The testing is done at various regional research stations by various research workers. G. arboreum (2n = 26) x G. herbaceum (2n = 26) → F1 plants are fully fertile. Sometimes, the pollen tube growth is so slow that the egg cell dies or the flower aborts before the male gametes reach the ovary. In some crops (e.g., Jowar, Bajra) the inflorescences of both the parents are enclosed in the same bag. Many of the intergeneric hybrids are easily made with the help of male sterility. Hybridization was first of all practically utilized in crop improvement by German botanist Joseph Koerauter in 1760. Selection for plants in the desired combination of characters is started in the F2 generation and continued in succeeding generations until genetic purity is reached. Thus embryo culture technique is an effective way of overcoming the problem of hybrid zygote development. The treatment of F1 plants with colchicine resulted in the production of fertile amphidiploid in each cross as given below: Interspecific crosses were made between green-gram (Vigna radiata, 2n = 22) and black-gram (V. mungo, 2n = 22) by Singh and Singh, 1975 and others. modern ... poppy, cotton etc. Somatic hybridization Somatic hybridization allows fusion of complete cytoplasm of two parents. 6). Earliness has been achieved from use of wild species in soybean. The F1 was sterile. The book is an invaluable source of information for advanced students, teachers, and research scientists in the field of plant breeding, genetic engineering, plant tissue culture, and general plant biotechnology. 4. OBJECTIVES OF WIDE HYBRIDIZATION The F1 hybrid was sterile. Use of wild root stocks, in commonly grafted crops such as citrus, rubber, grape, pistachio and peach has eliminated many insect pests and diseases of these horticultural crops. The plants of F1 generation are progenies of cross seeds and therefore are hybrids. Crossing between two different species of the same genus or two different genera of the same family is called distant hybridization and such crosses are referred to as distant crosses or wide crosses. Lolium, and Festuca. The main features of intergeneric crosses are given below: 1. Three crosses were made among three species namely cabbage (Brassica oleracea), rapeseed (B. campestris) and black mustard (B. nigra). But the new species thus developed had roots like cabbage and leaves like radish, which was a useless combination. It is an effective means of transferring desirable genes into cultivated plants from related species and genera. Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense, and cultivated diploid species, viz. Butter paper or vegetable parchment bags are most commonly used. This inability of a hybrid zygote to grow into a normal embryo under the usual conditions of development is referred to as hybrid inviability. These crosses can even be used to develop new crop species. Grafting of interspecific hybrid on to the cultivated species helps in making the cross successful. In vitro techniques, one of the key tools of plant biotechnology, can be employed for overcoming specific problems, viz. Four hybrids have been developed between G. arboreum and G. herbaceum (DH 7, DH 9, Pha 46 and DDH 2). Finally, the F1 plants of double crosses are crossed with each other to produce hybrids [(A × B) x (C x D)] x [(E x F) x (G x H)]. This may result due to three main factors: (i) Unfavourable interaction between chromosomes of two species. Wide or distant hybridization has been widely used as an important tool of chromosome manipulation for crop improvement. The paper concentrates on recent developments of biotechnology use in the seed industry. In both these species chromosomes of A and B genomes are common and as a result the F1 hybrids are partially fertile. But none of these intergeneric crosses contributed to cultivar development in barley. It is used not only for the developing hybrid but to test the combining ability of the inbreeds. Plants are chosen for hybridization and F1 seeds are produced. (ii) During early segregating generations, very little work and attention is needed, which gives the breeder more time to concentrate on other breeding projects. Share Your Word File Agriculture biotechnology is defined as that is used for livestock and crop improvement. Generally circular tags of about 3 cm or rectangular tags of about 3 x 2 cm are used. Some examples of intergeneric hybridization are given below: The first intergeneric cross was made in the family Gramineae between bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, 2n = 42) and rye (Secale cereale 2n = 14) by Rimpau around 1890 in Sweden. Achievements of Distant Hybridization: There are three main achievements of distant hybridization: (1) Transfer of various characters from wild species to the cultivated species, (2) Development of interspecific hybrids in some crops, and. The wide crosses can be obtained through protoplast fusion, when it is not possible to produce such crosses through sexual fusion. 6. Removal of stamens with the help of forceps is very difficult in minute flowers. Crop Improvement Method # 6. 3 to 5 best plants in these rows are selected and harvested (F4). Genetic engineering and biotechnology along with conventional breeding have played an important role in developing superior cultivars by transferring economically important traits from distant, wild and even unrelated species to the cultivated varieties which otherwise could not have been possible with conventional breeding. Interspecific hybrids have been developed between cultivated tetraploid species viz. 2. Various methods used for emasculation are: (a) Hand Emasculation or Forceps or Scissor Method: This method is generally used in those plants which have large flowers. Triticale is the amphidiploid obtained from crosses between wheat and rye. Some of the varieties of upland cotton (MCU 2, MCU 5, Deviraj, Devitej, G 67, Khandwa 1, Khandwa 2, Badnawar 1 PKV081, Rajat and Arogya) are derivatives of interspecific hybridization. Cytoplasmic male sterility has been transferred from wild species to cultivated ones in wheat, barley, cotton, tobacco, ryegrass and several other crops. The F1 was sterile. When two species of a cross differ in chromosome number, it is necessary to match their ploidy level by doubling the chromosome of the species with low ploidy. […] Main features of interspecific hybridization are given below: 1. The paper concentrates on recent developments of biotechnology use in the seed industry. diploid (2n = 24), tetraploid (2n = 48) and hexaploid (2n = 72). It has several useful applications in crop improvement for e.g., development of haploids, embryo rescue generation of variability, selection of disease resistance, selection for salinity and metal toxicity resistance, selection for drought resistance, micro propagation, preservation of germplasm, somatic hybridization etc. The hexaploid wheat (2n = 42) has several species. It is summarized in Figs. Due to successive self-pollination most of the lines become homozygous and uniform. (3) Creation of new crop plants (Table 28.4). In rice 0-6°C temperature is maintained to kill the pollen grains. Intergeneric hybridization was used by some workers to develop new crop species. It is an effective method of transferring desirable genes into cultivated plants from their related cultivated or wild species. (iii) Sometimes undesirable genes are closely linked with desirable one and get transferred to the new variety. v. Presence of ring and chain configurations. Stebbins termed it as criptic structural hybridity. Intergeneric hybridization is used when the desirable genes are not found in different species of the same genus. To artificially create a variable population for the selection of types with desired combination of characters. It can be defined as a cross among inbreeds, clones or sibbed lines without control of pollination. This cross is used in forage cross where floral structure causes difficulties in artificial pollination. Use of wild species in the hybridization programmes sometimes leads to alteration in the mode of reproduction. diploid (2n = 14), tetraploid (2n = 28) and hexaploid (2n = 42). Biotechnology encompasses a number of tools and elements of conventional breeding techniques, bioinformatics, microbiology, molecular genetics, biochemistry, plant physiology, and molecular In some crops, wild species have been used to improve the quality of cultivated ones. Cross incompatibility results due to unfavourable interaction between the protein of pistil and pollen which inhibits normal germination and growth of pollen tube. : Sometimes, homozygous dominant alleles on several loci prefer to remain in one species and homozygous recessive alleles at the same loci in another species. ... 2017, Crop improvement: new approache s and . Plays a pivotal role in the improvement of the crop species specially the vegetatively propagated ones. Stigma should be receptive and anthers should not have dehisced. As a result, the F1 plants are fully self-sterile. It presents biotechnology as providing powerful and useful tools, in a continuum of technical evolution that contributes or could contribute to the improvement of crop production, food quality and safety, while preserving the environment. The following techniques are useful in obtaining zygotes from distant crosses: Genetic differences exist among parents in a species for cross compatibility. (iv) Interspecific hybridization or intragenric hybridization: The crosses are made between two different species of the same genus. Now Triticale is commercially grown in countries like Canada and Argentina. In such hybrids, recombination between chromosome segments during meiosis may lead to production of gametes with deletions or duplications. In F2, the favourable combination of dominant and recessive genes is broken due to segregation and recombination. F2 plants are grown and their F2 seeds are harvested in bulk. There are three main reasons of cross incompatibility, viz. Now-a-days this method is employed in improvement of both self and cross-pollinated crops where varieties are deficient in one or two aspects. or in paper bags {e.g., maize) and applied to the receptive stigmas with the help of a camel hair brush, piece of paper, tooth pick or forceps. Agriculture biotechnology is defined as that is used for livestock and crop improvement. In F1 there are 14 bivalents and 7 univalents during meiosis. When F1 plants of an interspecific cross are vigorous and fertile but their F2 progeny is week and sterile, it is known as hybrid breakdown. The selection of parents depends upon the aims and objectives of breeding. Such crosses are called distant crosses. These crosses generally have wider adaptation. A selection method, which is used in segregating population of self-pollinated species and keeps proper record of plants and progeny selected in each generation is known as pedigree breeding. Yields of sugarcane and octaploid strawberries have been increased by the use of their wild species. To exploit and utilize the hybrid varieties. This is the cross of a number (4-10) pretested hybrids and is done by open pollination in isolation. Transfer of characters controlled by recessive genes is very difficult in interspecific crosses. This technique is being used widely to obtain viable interspecific or intergeneric hybrids. Certain chemicals are capable of causing male sterility, when sprayed before flowering e.g., 2, 4-D, naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), maleic-hydrazide (MA), tribenzoic acid etc. This leads to non-pairing or reduced pairing of chromosomes resulting in following meiotic abnormalities: i. Scattering of chromosomes throughout spindles during metaphase I. ii. The first is the Triticale which has evolved from intergeneric cross between Triticum aestivum and Secale cereale. Further breeding in these hybrids is carried out according to either pedigree or bulk method. 4. Essay # 5. The branch of science that deals with crop improvement is called biotechnology. The new plants can be regenerated from the embryoids in the culture medium. Adaptation to various environmental conditions has been improved through the use of wild species. G. hirsutum (2n = 52) x G. barbadense (In = 52) → F1 plants are fully fertile. Seed production and processing technologies. Flowers or inflorescences are immersed in alcohol of a suitable concentration for a brief period. 3. Types of Distant Hybridization: Distant hybridization is of two types, viz: Crossing or mating between two different species of the same genus is referred to as interspecific hybridization. The total number of possible different single crosses produced by a given number of inbreeds can be calculated by the formula n(n-1)/2 where n is the number of inbreeds. Biotechnology is the term which uses living organisms to improve plants, modify the product and develop organisms for further uses. It is needed to transfer the disease resistance from B to A without adversely affecting the good qualities of A. 9). Preliminary yield test are conducted (F9). Multi-locations field trials are carried out, best performing strain is multiplied for seed distribution. Selected superior plants in III year are space planted to study the individual plant. In another words, failure of male and female gametes to unite to form zygote in interspecific and intergeneric hybrids is known as cross incompatibility. It is a cross of a single cross (used as female) with another inbred (used as male), i.e., it involves three inbreeds [(A x B) x C], The single cross and the inbreeds are planted in the same way as the inbreeds in the single cross. So time required for developing new variety may be drastically reduced because off-season nurseries and greenhouses can be used for developing 2-3 generations each year. In crop improvement programme this type of hybridization is commonly used E. g crossing of two varieties of wheat or other crops. It has been observed that pollen grains of rice are killed by immersing the inflorescence for 5 to 10 minutes in the hot water maintained at 40-44°C in a thermos flask. In such situation either reciprocal cross should be made or the style should be cut to normal size before pollination. Glycine max (2n = 40) x G. Soja (2n = 40) → F1 plants are fully fertile. 2. Intereneric hybridization has been generally used in asexually propagated species. Suppose there are two varieties A and B. In alfa-alfa, a treatment of even 10 seconds with 57 % alcohol is sufficient to kill the pollen grains. (ii) Inter-varietal or Intraspecific hybridization: The crosses are made between the plants belonging to two different varieties. Several intergeneric crosses have been made in sugarcane. In the coming season, the stored seeds are sown separately to raise the F1 generation. 4. There is occasional seed set in this cross. Most of the modem cultivars of sugarcane and potato are the derivatives of interspecific hybridization. The chromosome behaviors in F1 hybrids provide us with the essential genetic basis for chromosome manipulation. There is rarely seed set in this cross. Hybridization Methods of Plant Breeding in Self-Pollinated Groups: Hybridization Methods of Plant Breeding in Cross-Pollinated Crops: Hybridization Methods of Plant Breeding in Vegetatively Propagated Crops: The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. About 200-500 desirable superior plants are selected. The main objective was to combine root of radish with leaves of cabbage. There is occasional seed set in this cross. CMS has been discovered in crosses between wild and cultivated species in wheat, cotton, barley, tobacco, potato, sunflower and ryegrass. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to share notes in Biology. Several modern cultivars of sugarcane have been developed from crosses of Saccharum officinarum with S. spontaneum or S. barberi. Genetically modified crop plants. Chemical method is commonly used technique using polyethylene glycol . Seeds are multiplied and released for cultivation. The information on tag must be as brief as possible but complete bearing the following information: (iv) Name of the female parent is written first followed by a cross sign (x) and then the male parent, e.g., C x D denotes that C is the female parent and D is the male parent. In crop improvement programme this type of hybridization is commonly used E. g crossing of two varieties of wheat or other crops. Select the BC1 plants possessing desired characters of A with disease resistance of B. In grape, hardier vines have been developed through the use of wild species Vitis amurensis in the breeding programme. Normally 20-50 families may be retained at the end of F5 generation. Inbreeds are grown under normal conditions and are emasculated. Crop improvement: Biotechnology is widely used to produce high yielding varieties of crops. These aspects are briefly discussed below: Distant hybridization has been instrumental in transferring disease resistance from wild species into cultivated ones. There are two main causes of hybrid breakdown, viz. (Synonyms, poly-cross and strain building). For example, resistance to rust and black arm in cotton; mosaic virus, wild fire, black-fire, blue mould, black root rot, and Fusarium wilt diseases in tobacco; sereh disease in sugarcane; late blight, leaf roll and virus x in potato; rust and eye spot in wheat; and yellow mosaic virus in okra have been transferred from wild species of these crops into cultivated species (Table 28.2). It is better to attempt reciprocal crosses when distant crosses are not successful. Souvenir of lead papers and abstracts of National meet on Distant Hybridization in Horticultural crop improvement. The F1 was sterile. Role of Distant Hybridization in Crop Improvement: Wild species or wild genetic resources are the potential sources of desirable genes for various characters of crop plants. deletions, duplications, translocations and inversions which cause absence of pollen formation or formation of nonfunctional or abortive pollens. (vii) Harvesting and storing the F, seeds. Fully sterile F hybrids have been reported in tobacco, wheat, cotton, Brassica, Vigna and several other crops. The basic chromosome number is 10 in maize and 9 in Tripsacum. In this method the corolla of the selected flowers is opened and the anthers carefully removed with the help of fine-tip forceps. This technique is successful in maize – Tripsacum crosses, where maize style remains receptive even after cutting. New crop species have been developed by overcoming the F 1 sterility and producing amphidiploids and such crops are commercially being grown in the field. In this method individual plants are selected till the progenies become homozygous. This may be used when other techniques do not work in interspecific or intergeneric gene transfer. In this article we will learn about the Meaning of Hybridization Method of Crop Improvement:- 1. Distant hybridization, especially with Jatropha species though might have potential in genetic improvement (Sujatha and Prabakaran, 2003), has so far remained unexploited, due to incompatibility in the castor–Jatropha combinations probably due to poor pollen germination and abnormal pollen tube development or incompatible interaction of pollen with stigma and style (Reddy … Today, it is the most common method of crop improvement, and the vast majority of crop varieties have resulted from hybridization. diploid (2n = 26) and tetraploid (2n = 52). 4. The entire process takes about 5-7 years. (Horti.) These crosses can even be used to develop new crop species. The main cause of hybrid sterility is lack of structural homology between the chromosomes of two species. (ii) Hybridization has to be done for each backcross. Correspondence (Tel +86 10 82105801; fax +86 10 82105802; email y.xu@cgiar.org)Search for more papers by this author After genome duplication, allopolyploids can be obtained, and these polyploids play a significant role in the origin and evolution of many plant species. Non-radioactive DNA technology … These are: Record of the ancestry of an individual selected plant for various generations is known as pedigree. Interspecific crosses are fully fertile between those species that have complete chromosomal homology. Crosses between these two species are fully fertile. F1 plants are space planted to produce maximum number of F2 seeds (see Fig. Single crosses give the maximum degree of hybrid vigour but due to weak inbreeds, little amount of seed is produced. Recent advancements in biotechnology, in particular, are expected The hybrid sterility refers to the inability of a hybrid to produce viable offspring. Pollen grains are collected in petridishs (e.g., Wheat, cotton etc.) Hybridization was first of all practically utilized in crop improvement by German botanist Joseph Koerauter in 1760. This method Is based on the fact that gynoecia can withstand the hot temperature at which the anthers are killed. Essay # 2. Both male and female flowers are bagged separately to prevent contamination in male flowers and cross-pollination in female flowers (Fig. Like hot water cold water also kills pollen grains without damaging the gynoecium. Today, it is the most common method of crop improvement, and the vast majority of crop varieties have resulted from hybridization. Resistance to jassids and boll weevil in cotton, leaf chewing insects in peanut, and aphids in strawberry has been transferred from their wild species to cultivars (Table 28.2). Irregular and unequal anaphase separation of chromosomes. The F1 hybrids were sterile in all the three crosses. 2000-10000 F2 plants are space planted. Orbital hybridisation, in chemistry, the mixing of atomic orbitals into new hybrid orbitals. Hybrid breakdown is a major problem in interspecific crosses. e doubling of chromosome number by colchicine treatment resulted in development of fertile amphidiploid which was named as Raphanobrassica by Karpechenko. Molecular markers have been used for evaluation of genetic variability in castor. Again the F1 was sterile. 5. 3. Either the inbred or the variety may be used as female parent, but to use variety as female is preferable. TOS4. Essay # 6. Content Guidelines 2. Kill the pollen grains are collected in petridishs ( e.g., from inbreeds! Maize to farmers for cultivation are nothing but double crosses cross first generation ) plants are selfed and individual progenies! And quality not cross directly limited utility except in high risk areas where severe damage! Creation of new crops which have been developed both at tetraploid and diploid levels between... 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