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Tags: Question 6 . Crooks bitterly says that every ranch-hand has the same dream. Lennie comes stealing through the undergrowth and kneels by the water to drink. I swear you hadda,” he tells him. George asks about the boss, and Candy reports that although the boss was angry that George and Lennie did not arrive the previous night as he had expected them to, he can be a “pretty nice fella.Candy relates how the boss gave the men a gallon of whiskey for Christmas, which immediately impresses George. Whit invites the men to go to Susy’s place, a local bar and house of prostitution. What type of establishment is it? Ask Question Log in. When nothing came of it, she decided to marry Curley, whom she dislikes. He wants to save money as steak for the farm. A little piece of land, Crooks claims, is as hard to find as heaven. Taking the puppy’s body with him, he flees toward the meeting place that George designates at the novel’s opening, the clearing in the woods. Go to town to Susy's brothel. Chapter 2. Asked by Katie T #563097 on 10/16/2016 3:59 AM Last updated by Aslan on 10/16/2016 4:08 AM Answers 1 Add Yours. Lennie, suddenly frightened, complains that he wants to leave the ranch, but George reminds him that they need to make some money before they can buy their own land and live their dream. He is uncommonly quiet and listless. What does Lennie say, specifically, that shows this violence? 22. George declines Whit's invitation to visit the brothel because he does not want to waste his hard-earned wages on debauchery. George tells the other two not to tell anyone else about their plan. What type of establishment is it? How is he different than Slim? The short letter praises the magazine. Get the entire Of Mice and Men LitChart as a printable PDF. George assures him that he will. She reveals that her mother denied her the opportunity to join a traveling show when she was fifteen and then, years later, a talent scout spotted her and promised to take her to Hollywood to become a movie star. Candy asks George if the two of them can still buy the farm, but sees from George’s face that the idea is now impossible.George says quietly that he thinks he knew all along that it would never happen, but because Lennie liked the idea so much, he had started to believe it himself. Aggressive, nosy, and always looking to be where the action is, Whit seems to seek out and enjoy any drama or tension on the ranch. I’ll break their God damn necks. As the men marvel over it, Carlson offers to kill the dog quickly by shooting it in the back of the head.Reluctantly, Candy gives in. But Curley’s wife appears and interrupts the men’s daydreaming. What reason does he give? The barn goes still as Lennie realizes what he has done. Describe the conversation George and Lennie have after the men go in search of a fight? Course Hero, Inc. George asks Lennie if he saw Slim with Curley’s wife in the barn, and Lennie says no. Explain the relationship that exists between George and Lennie based on Chapter 1 of the book. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. then tells Lennie that if there is any fighting Lennie needs to stay out of it. Why don't the guys visit Clara's house instead of Susy's? Where does Whit invite George and Lennie to go? What does Curley think Slim is doing? What is George's response? After George, Lennie, and Candy make a pact not to tell anyone about their dream, Candy makes the following statement: “I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. 21. it? ” It is Sunday afternoon and Lennie is alone in the barn, sitting in the hay and stroking the dead body of his puppy. Why? ” Curley’s temper has only gotten worse since his recent marriage to a “tart” who enjoys flirting with the ranch-hands. SURVEY . Lennie replies that he likes to touch soft things with his fingers. Curley's wife. No one has time to read them all, but it’s important to go over them at least briefly. Chapter 3. What is George’s response, and what does this tell you about George’s belief in his dream? What is Curley looking for? We go in to old, Susy’s place.” Susy’s place is a “whore house” where all the men can go to have fun after. These women, who are prostitutes, are paid for, used by the men, and then discarded. George says “Me an’ Lennie’s rollin’ up a stake.. 22. Lennie, who has been in the barn tending to his puppy, appears in the doorway, looking for company. Soon enough, Lennie forgets his promise to keep the farm a secret and begins to babble cheerfully about the place that he and George will buy someday. Go to town to Susy’s brothel 18. He uses the incident that got them chased out of Weed as a case in point. Where does Whit invite George and Lennie to go? Eventually Slim joins in, suggesting that Candy would be putting a suffering animal out if its misery. This preview shows page 21 - 23 out of 38 pages. Power struggle of, Survival is highlighted in this chapter by showing have George and Lennie are somewhat safe, for now on the ranch and they are trying their hardest to stay out of trouble. Another farmhand, Whit, enters and shows Slim a letter written by a man they used to work with published in a pulp magazine. Asked by jacqueline b #193215 on 8/10/2011 3:50 PM Last updated by tracey l #96417 on 8/11/2011 1:58 AM Answers 1 Add Yours. A heron stands in a shaded green pool, eating water snakes that glide between its legs. Whit invites George to go to Susy’s place with the other men, where women are “rented” and “used” (52). the discussion of curley's wife leads whit to invite george to come with the other men "to old susy's place," what is "old susy's place," and what purpose does it serve in the novel? Lennie, sensitive by nature, shows a violent streak while George tells the story of their, future ranch. Because Susy’s is “cleaner” and cheaper; Susy tells good jokes and doesn’t mind if the guys just want to buy a shot and not have a “flop” with a prostitute 19. Home Science Math History Literature Technology Health Law Business All Topics Random. Casino. When he discovers that Slim is not there, what does he assume? As the white men leave Crooks, he changes his mind about going to the farm with them, calling out, “I wouldn’ want to go no place like that. The theme of, power struggle of weak verses strong is highlighted when Candy can’t do anything to save his. Lennie grabs Curley’s hand and crushes it. Curley consents not to fire them. At that moment, Curley’s wife, a pretty, heavily made-up woman with a nasal voice, appears. Answered by Aslan on 10/16/2016 4:08 AM George needs to save money for the small farm they wannt to buy. He assures him it’s a “clean” place where the prices are good and there’s always fun to be had. Candy says that he hears the men coming back, which finally makes her leave, but not before she tells Lennie that she is glad he beat her husband. Candy’s relationship with his dog is similar to George’s relationship with Lennie in the sense, that nobody really understands why they are attached but Candy has had the dog for a long, time and George has been with Lennie for a long time. Whit says that George and Lennie must have come to work. What is george's response and what does this tell you about George's belief in his dream. She sums up her situation, admitting that she feels pathetic to want company so desperately that she is willing to talk to the likes of Crooks, Candy, and Lennie. 21. According to the old man, why was the boss mad at George and Lennie? Of Mice and Men STUDENT COPY 11. Describe the "stable buck." Where does Whit invite George and Lennie to go? Carlson begins to complain again about Candy’s dog, saying that it stinks and that it “ain’t no good to himself. What is Slim really doing in the barn? “Le’s get that place now. George decides to go to the brothel but only to drink. The triangle rings for dinner, and the men filter out of the bunkhouse, with Lennie suddenly excited by the prospect of having a puppy. Where does Whit invite George and Lennie to go? Since he is old and crippled, he worries that the ranch will let him go soon. Candy. No one has time to read them all, but it’s important to go over them at least briefly. What does whit invite george to do tomorrow night of mice and men? How might this. Candy comes looking for Lennie and finds the body. After watching his friend nearly drown, George felt ashamed of his behavior. statement be an example of foreshadowing? George says he might tag along, but is planning on saving his money so that he and Lennie can buy some land. George comes in last, with his coat buttoned up. In general, other than obvious, why do men go to this place? What type of establishment is it? What is George’s response, and what does this tell you about George’s belief in his dream? I, shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog.” Explain the parallelism between the, relationship Candy had with his dog and the one George has with Lennie. What is George’s response? George is guarded at first, but soon says that it does and that the owners are desperate to sell it. He calls George, who realizes immediately what has happened. What type of establishment is it? Go to town to Susy's brothel. Describe the situation that occurs when Curley comes into the bunk house. Crooks hastily backs down, promising that George will come back, and begins to talk about his childhood again, which returns Lennie to his dreams of owning the farm. Why don't the guys visit Clara's house instead of Susy's? He tells Lennie about the rabbits, and promises that nobody will ever be mean to him again. Crooks does not believe him, assuming that the fantasy is part of Lennie’s mental disability. 7 STUDY GUIDE. Even when Lennie himself insists on it, George’s tirade is unconvincing and scripted. Candy eventually joins them, entering Crooks’s room for the first time in all of the years they have worked together. This material is available only on Freebooksummary, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Curley demands that they find Lennie and kill him. Where does Whit invite George and Lennie to go? Fed up, Crooks insists that she leave before he tells the boss about her wicked ways, and she responds by asking if he knows what she can do to him if he says anything. George replies that Lennie is his cousin and was kicked in the head by a horse when he was young, so George has to look out for him. What type of establishment is . 18. Whit invites George to come with him and the other men to a whorehouse the following night, which is a Saturday. His talents make him one of the most important and respected men on the ranch. does this situation illustrate about Curley’s character and his relationship with his . Lennie’s only fear is that he will not be allowed to tend the rabbits on their farm. Where does Whit invite George and Lennie to go? He repeats his usual words of reproach without emotion. Shyly, Crooks suggests that maybe they could take him along with them. I didn’t bounce you hard. What does Lennie say, specifically, that shows this violence? On George’s command, Lennie grabs Curley’s right hand and breaks it effortlessly. What does George tell Slim that happened in Weed? Bar. When she cries out, Lennie panics and clamps his strong hands over her mouth to silence her. Since that day, he has taken good care of his companion, protecting him even when he gets in trouble. ” Whit invites George to accompany them to a local whorehouse the following night.Whit discusses the merits of old Susy’s place over Clara’s, it being cheaper and having nice chairs, but George comments that he cannot afford to waste his money because he and Lennie are trying to put together a “stake. What does George find in the box by his bed and what does he assume? Slim appreciates George’s friendship with Lennie, saying that it is a welcome change in a world where no one ever “seems to give a damn about nobody. He adds that he has seen countless men go on about the same piece of land, but nothing ever comes of it. the wh*re house. What type of establishment is it? to go and try to score on some fine young drunk woman Why didn't lennie go into town? Lennie continues to talk about his rabbits, and she asks him why he likes animals so much. The sound of the shot brings the lynch party running to the clearing. What does Whit invite George to do "tomorrow" night? Answers: 1. ” Whit invites George to accompany them to a local whorehouse the following night.Whit discusses the merits of old Susy’s place over Clara’s, it being cheaper and having nice chairs, but George comments that he cannot afford to waste his money because he and Lennie are trying to put together a “stake. The girl accused Lennie of rape, and George and Lennie had to hide in an irrigation ditch to escape a lynch mob. Where does Whit invite George and Lennie to go? and is described as a “proud, aloof man” who spends much of his time reading. What do we learn about Curley’s relationship with his wife, based on . We go in to old Susy’s place.” Susy’s place is a “whore house” where all the men can go to have fun after When Curley comes into the bunkhouse, for whom is he looking for? 19. Soon enough, Curley, the boss’s son, a small young man who wears a Vaseline-filled work glove on his left hand and high-heeled boots to distinguish himself from the laborers, joins them.Curley, an aggressive and malicious ex-boxer, immediately senses that he might have some fun at Lennie’s expense, and begins to demand that “the big guy talk. Carlson cleans his gun and avoids looking at Candy. George expresses the hope that maybe Lennie will just be locked up and still be treated well, but Candy tells him that Curley is sure to have Lennie lynched. What does whit invite george to do tomorrow night of mice and men? As Slim leads Curley away to a doctor, he warns him not to have George and Lennie fired, or he will be made the laughingstock of the ranch. in the story about George and Lennie’s dream? Lennie, sensitive by nature, shows a violent streak while George tells the story of their future ranch. Just then, George appears. answer choices . George reminds him again of the meeting place they agreed on should anything go wrong. Prostitution. What does whit invite george to do tomorrow night of mice and men? Angry, Curley accuses Lennie of laughing at him and starts to punch him; Lennie panics but does not react until George shouts at him to fight back. Where does Whit invite George and Lennie to go? Last updated by jill d #170087 on 11/9/2016 9:05 PM Of Mice and Men What type of man is Carlson? Because they came on Friday and have to work all day Saturday before they get their day off on Sunday and the three free meals that come on their day off. The alcohol is cheaper than everything else is cheaper because Susy is trying to keep customers coming back. Of Mice and Men. The importance of this instruction escaped Crooks as a child, but he says that he has come to understand it perfectly. George complains that he could get along much better if he didn’t have to care for Lennie. 10. Learn more about Of Mice and Men with Course Hero's FREE study guides and Curley’s wife asks about her husband, then says she knows that the men went to a brothel, cruelly observing that “they left all the weak ones here.Crooks and Candy tell her to go away, but instead she starts talking about her loneliness and her unhappy marriage. How about getting full access immediately? Crooks, the black stable-hand, comes in and tells Slim that he has warmed some tar to put on a mule’s foot. “Le’s do it now,” Lennie says.   Terms. Apparently, Lennie’s Aunt Clara used to give him mice to pet, but he tends to “break” small creatures unintentionally when he shows his affection for them, killing them because he doesn’t know his own strength. Why does Curley apologize to Slim? chapter3. She claims to be looking for her husband and flirts with the two men and Slim, the skilled mule driver, who passes by outside.Slim tells her that Curley has gone into the house, and she hurries off. George is interested in going, but only for a drink. Lennie did go to town, Candy didn't. Carlson suggests that they convince Candy to shoot his old, worthless mutt and raise one of the pups instead. What does Whit invite George to do “tomorrow” night? Where does George tell Lennie to go if he gets in trouble? Feeling weak and vulnerable himself, Crooks cruelly suggests that George might never return from town.He enjoys torturing Lennie, until Lennie becomes angry and threatens Crooks, demanding to know “Who hurt George? What does Whit invite George to do "tomorrow" night? Most people come on Saturday to work one day, get fed, then leave on Sunday night after dinner. In the same riverbed where the novel began, it is a beautiful, serene late afternoon. 18. George worries that the other men will think that he had something to do with the death of Curley’s wife, so he instructs Candy how to inform them. As they hear the other men’s voices approaching, Candy says quietly to George that he should have shot his old dog himself, and not let a stranger do it. Frustrated, he curses the dog for dying and hurls it across the room. After a few moments, his eyes full of tears, he goes to alert the rest of the ranch. to go and try to score on some fine young drunk woman. To go to Susy's. When he learns that Slim is in the barn, he storms off in that direction, followed by Whit and Carlson, who hope to see a fight. All the men are silenced by Curley because he is in charge of the ranch. What is George's response? “. Describe the situation that occurs when Curley comes into the bunk house. Why does George say he will go and get a drink but that he isn't going to pay for a flop? Finally, despite himself, Crooks yields to Lennie’s “disarming smile” and invites him in. George warns his companion against the trouble that women cause, and then Lennie asks him to describe the farm that they hope to buy. He is proud of himself for remembering to come here to wait for George, but soon has two unpleasant visions.His Aunt Clara appears “from out of Lennie’s head” and berates him, speaking in Lennie’s own voice, for not listening to George, for getting himself into trouble, and for causing so many problems for his only friend. George has gone into the town with the rest of the men and probably spent most of his money when Lennie talks to Crooks about their dream of … Lennie, sensitive by nature, shows a violent streak while George tells the story of their future ranch. He wonders if George is taking advantage of a man who lacks the faculties to take care of himself. 30 seconds . Whit invites George and Lennie to go to Susy’s place. Luckily, FreeBookSummary offers study guides on over 1000 top books from students’ curricula! “Jus’ the usual thing. The next evening, Saturday, Crooks sits on his bunk in the harness room. He throws several punches, bloodying Lennie’s face, and hits him in the gut before George urges Lennie to fight back. Curley apologizes to Slim for his suspicions, and then the other men mock him. Lennie does not understand.He innocently reports that everyone else has gone into town and that he saw Crooks’s light on and thought he could come in and keep him company. What type of establishment is it? When Curley comes into the bunkhouse, for whom is he looking?   Privacy What type of establishment is it? They came on a Friday instead of Saturday. ” Worrying that George will be angry and will not let him raise the rabbits on their farm, he starts to bury it in the hay. Slim, Curley, Carlson, and Whit return. Q. Why don’t the guys visit Clara’s house instead of Susy’s? Overcome with hope, Candy offers to contribute his life’s savings if they allow him to live there too. The men agree that after a month of work at this ranch, they will have enough money saved to make a down payment on the house. Then a gigantic rabbit appears to him, also speaking in Lennie’s own voice, and tells him that George will probably beat him and abandon him. George berates him for taking the little creature away from its mother. Carlson. After a few awkward moments of silence, the men hear a shot ring out, and Candy turns his face to the wall. Now, as the only black man on the ranch, he resents the unfair social norms that require him to sleep alone in the stable. A laborer on the Salinas ranch where George and Lennie go to work. payday. Lennie is silenced because he thinks like a child. Asked by Sarah B #477940 on 11/9/2016 8:22 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 11/9/2016 9:05 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. 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